Friday, August 29, 2008

back to school...

well, school has started back. let me just say, thank you JESUS that I am done in december. why again do i keep telling people i'm going to get my masters' in a few years? am i crazy? do i really want to do this again? give it a few years...maybe then.

Bible should be interesting...i'm taking Romans and the professor is great-he told us his story last week in class, and let's just say he's been to hell and back. several times. the perfect example of the ragamuffin gospel. i'm stoked.

Community health...we'll see. lots of projects, as is custom in the LCU nursing department. i already got one thing done...gonna try to get as much done as possible early on, so i don't have to fool with it later.

Scientific inquiry...basically, intro to research. i think it will be interesting, but really...for three straight hours? maybe not so much. the professor is great, though...i have a feeling we won't EVER be staying the whole three hours. good times.

i can't believe it's almost september. the year is flying by. seems like yesterday it was january and i was in bekah's wedding and starting school. craziness. i'm kind of glad the year is almost over (relatively speaking). i feel like i have fallen so far in my spiritual walk. i want so much to be back in regular fellowship with a group of people who love me and care about every aspect of my life. i miss that. i miss it a lot. it's true what the Word says, that we were meant for fellowship. it is a hard thing to go this road we call life alone.

on a less serious note...i cut my hair! it's SO cute (well, i like it). kind of swept to the side in the front and about an inch and a half long in the back and kind of fluffed out...variation on what i had before i let my hair grow out. it feels more like me, for sure.

back to work now...much love!