Monday, June 8, 2009

first day!!

ok, this is going to have to be quick because i have to be up EARLY!

i DID make it to orientation on time today (yay me...8 minutes to spare!) proud of myself. see, it's actually quite an ordeal for me to get to work. takes me about 25-30 minutes depending on traffic (and no, my precious lubbockites, i do not hate it yet), and by the time i roll into the parking garage, i have taken three different highways to get there. and i only needed my garmin the first few times. i feel like an old pro :).

so orientation was all the usual stuff...benefits, endless safety stuff, the talk about the hospitals history and values and the founding nuns, more safety stuff, glucometer training, and MORE safety stuff. did i mention safety stuff?

end of the day, i had to run up to the unit to get some schedule stuff. the educator remembers me from November and bless her sweet soul, she didn't run the other way when she saw me :). got all of that figured out and was done.

house is still kind of cluttered (such is my life) but i'm going to work really hard on that tomorrow evening and on wednesday. i have meditech training for half a day thurs and then friday morning. friday afternoon i'm off to the unit for my first day there. say prayers that i listen good, nod, say yes ma'am a lot, and keep my pie hole shut! i am so excited about learning new stuff. pray God makes me a little pint-sized sponge and that i take to it all like surfactant to a 24 weeker's lungs.

can't wait to see you Lubbock people who are coming down this summer. the ones who have no plans to come yet...YET...what are you waiting on? ;)

much love to all...more soon!

amy :)